The number of Hydrangea paniculata cultivars has risen sharply in the past few decades. That’s why it’s time for a comparetive test: the KVBC Euro-trial.
More than a 100 varieties from all over the world join the competition. This week we prepare them for their trip to 7 different countries. They will get tested in Northern Germany, Southern Germany, Ireland, Austria, France, United Kingdom, Finland and of course the Netherlands.
The Euro-trial is an initiative of the KVBC 'Royal Boskoop Horticultural Society'. Alex Schoemaker Living Creations has gathered, multiplied and organized all the Hydrangea paniculata entries. In collaboration with volunteers Esveld, Lendert de vos, Ronald Houtman Sortimentsadvies and Leo Slingerland.

Preparing boxes full of Hydrangeas for the Eurotrial