Jelena de Belder, botanist and horticulturist, gathered seeds of the Hydrangea paniculata in Japan and took them back to Belgium in 1962. There she started cultivating them in her own arboretum (@arboretumkalmthout). These Hydrangea paniculata seeds formed the base for many succesfull successors.

Botanist and horticulturist Jelena de Belder
Yesterday we visited the arboretum Kalmthout. Rob van Bauwel showed us around. The entire Living Creations collection is going to get planted at the arboretum as part of the project ‘Word meter of Peter van een vierkante meter’. It’s a very big honour to bring back our Hydrangeas to the place where it all started.

Rob van Bauwel showed us around in arboretum Kalmthout